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Users Guide:

Signature Terms

What is ... A signature term is a term that the ActiveGalaXy control found to be statistically significant in differentiating the documents under analysis. Any term not on the stopword list can be a signature term. A stopword list is necessary since words with little meaning such as the or and could, in some document sets become a signature term. Thus the stopword list needs to match the data source.
Selecting Terms

The signature terms appear around the edge of the ActiveGalaXy view (see example). When the cursor passes over a cluster node the terms in that cluster are highlighted according to their strength in differentiating that cluster. Conversly, a left-click on a term will highlight the clusters that contain that term. A double-click on a term will display all the documents associated with that term.

Term Menu Right-clicking on a term gives access to the folowing sub-menus:
  • View Docs -- Presents a sub-menu from which single documents or all the documents containing that term can be viewed in a document viewer. Some applications use the internal viewer others will have a custom viewer. A check by the document name indicates that it is in the current selection set.
  • Term Synonyms -- Presents a list of any document synonyms for this term. A document synonym is any word that always appears in a document with the given term. Note:Currently only "8-bit ASCII" terms will display properly.
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